Monday, October 12, 2009


I just love my grandpas they are both such great men. They have and have had so much influence in my life especially my creativeness.

This painting was done in 1977 as a gift to my mom and dad for christmas. They were coming down a canyon after their honeymoon and snapped a photo and asked if he could paint it for them. I love the contrasts in the painting. We always laughed at some of his paintings but truth be told they are all very good I have a great respect for his talent. I’m so grateful to know him he’s a great man.

Save me a spot next to your easel grandpa.
The bust of the Savior
My grandpa good bad is an amazing sculptor, among other things. My dad told me how he would be missing pieces to his model cars and my grand dad would just carve him a new piece. How impressive! Grandpa you work is wonderful, and beautiful


  1. I'm really glad you started a blog. I love grandpa's paintings! I have three little ones that he painted hanging in my room, and sometimes when I miss him and just need him I look at the paintings! PS: no number for you! ha ha sorry! you'll just have to wait to meet him :)

  2. i need to tell him you love him.

  3. I forgot you used to call him good bad. too funny. I don't have any on gpa's paintings. you are lucky to have one.
